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Job Openings

There are no current job openings.


“My time with Blood:Water will forever shape my college experience as well as my view on Africa and the humanitarian sector. I have learned a lot about both the field I will be stepping into as well as my own passions and goals for my future career.”

Are you a college student or recent graduate looking for a place to gain experience, learn more about your core gifts and passions, and contribute toward missional impact?

Our Vision + Call internship program provides an environment for young leaders to consider their vocational direction while gaining meaningful work experience in a nonprofit setting. Blood:Water would not exist without compassionate students and young professionals who understand our vision and give their time, energy, and talent to fulfill the various needs of the organization.

Internships are currently filled, but please check back in early 2023 for details about Summer 2023 and beyond.

We typically offer two internships in the US:

  • Social Media and Marketing
  • Fundraising and Development

Each internship period requires at least 15-20 hours per week at our office in Nashville, TN, and includes a monthly stipend. Candidates must be 20 years old to apply, or be 20 when they start the internship.

Please contact us at 615.550.4296 or if you have additional questions about job openings or internships.

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